OKO Kits for Hondas: TL125, TL250, TLR200, MT125, CRF230, GB500
If your Honda is not mentioned here, call us and we may be able to provide a kit for your model.
If you have one of these, you know that space is very tight around the carburetor. Our theory is that Honda built this bike around the carburetor with no thought that it might someday be replaced. So, first the negatives of this kit. To gain access to the existing carburetor, you'll need to remove the exhaust system and the airbox. To remove these, you will need to remove the rear wheel. Once installed, the OKO sits very close to the air box with little room to fashion an adapter that fits the OKO intake. So for the TLR 200 we have been removing the airbox and using a sock filter, which fits very neatly, is much lighter and breathes better. Unfortunately, the stock airbox also acts as the front portion of the rear mudguard, so you will need to fabricate something to keep mud away from the filter. Now, if you can deal with all of that, we'll move on to the positives. The TLR 200s suffer from throttle lag, caused partly by the long tract to the intake valve. The OKO K-103 (curved top) removes this lag and gives you instant response and acceleration. It takes away that typical Honda leanness as well, and it provides the engine with more power throughout the throttle range. The OKOs jet very similarly regardless of exhaust system. We offer a deluxe kit and a basic kit for the TLR 200. The basic kit has the 21mm OKO jetted for the TLR, the manifold adapter and extra jets for elevation changes. The deluxe kit also comes with a Domino throttle, Venhill cable and the UNI 2-Stage foam filter as well.
A curved top is provided for the TLR 200. The tank still sits very close to, if not actually touching the tank. I often add a thick washer under the tank tab to raise it just a fuzz. Getting the pull choke fully up takes a little practice. The cable choke might be a good alternative.
Kits for the TL 250 are available as basic and deluxe. The basic kit includes the 24mm OKO K-103 (curved top) with the correct needle and jetted for the TL 250. We provide a flange adapter as well. The kit will also come with extra jets for fine tuning. The deluxe kit is offered because the OKO backs up almost to the stock airbox, making it difficult to provide an adapter sleeve.The Deluxe kit also has a Domino throttle, Venhill cable and a
2-stage UNI air filter.
Kits for the TL 125 are available as basic and deluxe. The basic kit includes the 21mm OKO K-103 (curved top) with the correct needle and jetted for the TL 125. We provide a flange adapter as well. From 1976 on TLs used a different manifold, so let us know, when ordering, which you need. The kit will also come with extra jets for fine tuning. The deluxe kit is offered because it simplifies the cable to throttle connection and provides a freer flowing air filter. Because the OKO is larger than the stock Keihin carburetor, it does require removing a little of the front of the right side cover. This kit is a big improvement over the stock set up.
After working with several customers with these bikes, and having one here to verify size and jetting, we have found the best performance for stock bikes to be with the 26mm. If you have mods to up performance, then you can use the 28mm. You can select the size from the drop-down box below. Since the throttle cable for the stock carburetor is a dual cable, we now offer a basic and a deluxe kit for the CRF 230. The basic kit includes the 26mm with the curved top and a sleeve for the airbox hose. The Deluxe kit includes a universal Venhill throttle cable and a Domino throttle. Both kits come with extra jets that can be exchanged if needed. This kit takes care of the stock carburetor's issues and gives better overall performance.